A Filmmaking Adventure to Catalina

I had the incredible honor of hosting two amazing young women on my boat this month. Erica Mellon and Elle O’Brien are college students, and aspiring filmmakers. They approached me for advice a few months back, wondering about tips on making a film about a sailing adventure they are planning (It seemed that they thought I knew what I was doing when I made my film). I promptly gave my disclaimer and shared my self proclaimed title of accidental filmmaker, but that I would, of course do whatever I could to support them. Their project is very exciting, and as they share more, I will too!

We had a Skype call to get to know one another, and I have to tell you, that it was love at first sight. The light and enthusiasm that shone through the cyber waves from these young women inspired me on the spot and filled me with deep joy. Within about 10 minutes I had invited them to California to have an adventure to Catalina so that they could get the feel for life on a boat, and also make a practice film in the process.

My gut feeling was right, because having them with me on the boat for 4 days was a delight. We sailed to Catalina and even ventured around the backside for another perspective. Our conversations were profound and connected, and these 20-something women had me reeling from their depth and awareness.

Being with them was inspiring and deeply healing for me. Their presence and connected ways reminded me of something I lost track of in my life, which added a beautiful missing puzzle piece to my healing journey. I am so grateful to them for reminding me.

I am so excited to see their short film on our trip, and for a lifetime of friendship and collaboration. Love you guys!